Tuesday 30 March 2021

Making Dolls Again......

I was looking for something to do and saw an idea in Ray Slater's Book "Clothdolls for Textile Artists" that looked easy and quick. 

Basically it's a stick figure body made from wire, covered in quilt batting and then covered in knit fabric. Instead of using the head pattern from the book I decided to cheat a bit. Like most doll makers I have a collection of body parts discarded for various and sundry reasons. I found a finished head that I didn't like when I originally made it but it was perfect for this project.

After you make up the doll you can embellish it any way you want...fibres, lace, ribbon, beads, embroidery, sequins, paint, glitter...no rules. Total creative freedom.

So here she is. She sort of evolved from what I had in my stash of stuff. 

Lots of fun.

Take care and keep safe:)

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